
Colors by Llarowe - Bless your wicked little heart

Hey guys,

I've got a pretty red to show you today. I was planning to do some nail art today but I didn't have the time. I'll give it a new try tomorrow. So todays contribution to Valentine Polish Week is nail art free. 

Bless your wicked little heart is part of the valentine collection from CbL. It's a deep red jelly with red and golden shimmer. The golden shimmer is only visible in extreme angles, you can really see it well in the second picture. I have three coats of BYWLH and one coat of SV. I doesn't dry as gritty as I thought it would which was a nice surprise. The polished applied smoothly, the formula was problem free. 

If you want to enjoy more red manis click here

Until next time, take care!


  1. Ibland behövs inte nail art! Detta var snyggt nog att stå för sig själv :)

  2. Fantastiskt vackert! Jag kan verkligen inte få nog av CbL...

  3. Oj oj oj! Så sjukt snyggt! Vilken glöd!

  4. Så fint, som typ allt är på dina naglar iofs ;)
