
Colors by Llarowe - Beat it

Hi sun lovers!

This beauty is Beat it from CbL. A dark charcoal grey super holographic polish. When the sun is out it looks like it's black but that's not the case. I wasn't able to take pictures in the shade because the sunbeams attacked our entire apartment.

I have two coats of Beat it and one coat of Pretty & Polished - Swift sparkle top coat. As you can see, the TC didn't effect the holographic properties of Beat it. The formula of Beat it was just as amazing as all CbL's are. Applied smoothly and even dried before I had applied the TC.

Now, time to enjoy the pictures :)

Until next time, take care!


  1. OMG!! igen ;) det ser helt underbart ut!!! gissa om jag vill bryta mitt köpstopp!!!!!

    1. Åh det förstår jag, vi får hoppas att solen inte visar sig på ett tag. Så det blir lättare att hålla igen :P

  2. Replies
    1. Instämmer! Jag har thriller på väg hem(!), men jag fattas Man in the mirror... Tror det är något annat också. Jag får göra research :)
