
Colors by Llarowe - Go straight and Burn out

First of all, SORRY that I haven't posted anything in a while. I started with me having a really bad allergic reaction and when I was better we went to Tivoli in Copenhagen and stayed there for one night. But now I'm back and I promise that I will blog like normal :)

Today I have two beauties to show you guys. It's two wonderful holographic polishes from Colors by Llarowe. These are LE's and I'm not sure if they will be available to buy anymore but I love the colours and I wanted to show them anyway. 
First out is Go straight, a grape holo with blue and magenta shimmer. Two thin coats shown alone in the pictures. The formula was excellent and the polish dried rather fast. It did however dry a tad matte so I would recommend a top coat for extra shine.  

Next up is Burn out, a dark green almost black super holo. I absolutely adore this colour. This polish was almost a one-coater and the formula was amazing. This might just be my new favourite dark holo. Burn out did also dry a tad matte so the same thing goes for this one, top coat is pretty much a must. 

That's all for now :)
Until next time, take care!


  1. I like them both but my heart beats a little bit faster for Go Straight :)
