
Enchanted Polish - February 2014

It finally arrived, about two months late! February 2014 from Enchanted Polish. February is a reddish purple with varm red coppery shimmer. I enjoy EP holos because they aren't as crazy holo as many other brands holos are. Another bonus is that they are really pigmented and February was no exception. I have one coat in the pictures and that is a big plus IMO.  
The formula was really nice, I've read that some thought it was too thick but mine wasn't. No need to add thinner. I applied TC and it didn't affect the rainbows. No sun in Lund today so the last two pictures are taken with flash :)
Until next time, take care!


  1. Is this one DREAM ON?? I won a bottle from the colorsutraa giveaway...patiently waiting lol its gorgeous!!

    1. No, this is February 2014 one of the monthlies. But I live in Sweden so it takes some time for them to arrive :P

  2. Love your nails. Beautiful color.

  3. Väldigt snygg. Jag håller med om att ett lager verkligen är ett plus. Jag brukar alltid få märken när jag lägger mer än två lager för att jag inte har tålamod att vänta :P
