
China Glaze - Sun-kissed


I bought this polish last summer. LAST SUMMER! How is it possible to have a polish like Sun-kissed for almost a year without wearing it? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

Ehrm, sorry.
Sun-kissed is a neon creme with shimmer. There is one big problem though, during application it get's really patchy when applied on the nail. I ended up with four coats and they where a pain in the *** to apply. Was it worth it? YES! 
Sun-kissed is a unique yellow neon thanks to the shimmer. I have a few other colours from the same collection but I can't recall any of them being this problematic to apply. It dried matte like neons normally do. I liked the matte finish but I have to have TC when I work, otherwise I get tip wear immediately.  
Until next time, take care!